Understanding of How Employees Learn | Hosted by Sara Torpey

Talking to another educator was amazing. Sarah and I shared our relationship with 'curiosity' and how it has been the driving force of our decades work.

Transition from Teaching to Owning a Business

Just 2 educators chatting, I revealed that knowing how people learn is a business advantage.

Teachers have a deep understanding of how people learn. 

And this understanding?

Is a business advantage because if you've ever taken a boring course, you know that NOT everyone just gets this). 

Here's an excerpt of what I shared with Sara Torpey

As a healthcare provider in college athletics I had to figure out what was wrong with the athletes quickly and so it was a sense of being curious and asking the right questions. When I transitioned to being a professor it was the same thing ... I had to be curious enough about my students to figure out what they knew, what they didn't know and to ask the right questions to help prompt them.

What I'm doing now in business is even though I'm an adult learning consultant and I'm helping people create learning experiences for their clients, I have to be curious about their business, the business owner and what is the experience they want to have. Then help them be curious about their clients and their content. I've come to realize that I actually have a very long history of being curious

Listen to the full episode >>>here

Transition from Teaching to Owning a Business

Just 2 educators chatting, I revealed that knowing how people learn is a business advantage.

Teachers have a deep understanding of how people learn. 

And this understanding?

Is a business advantage because if you've ever taken a boring course, you know that NOT everyone just gets this). 

Here's an excerpt of what I shared with Sara Torpey

As a healthcare provider in college athletics I had to figure out what was wrong with the athletes quickly and so it was a sense of being curious and asking the right questions. When I transitioned to being a professor it was the same thing ... I had to be curious enough about my students to figure out what they knew, what they didn't know and to ask the right questions to help prompt them.

What I'm doing now in business is even though I'm an adult learning consultant and I'm helping people create learning experiences for their clients, I have to be curious about their business, the business owner and what is the experience they want to have. Then help them be curious about their clients and their content. I've come to realize that I actually have a very long history of being curious

Listen to the full episode >>>here

Client's Feedback

Curiosity and life-long learning with Dr. Carrie O. Graham!

I got to talk about curiosity (especially about how people learn!), life-long learning and the absolutely VITAL role they have played in our respective business journeys.

"...I teach in small snippets with intention..."

- Sara Torpey, Business Coach, Torpey Coaching
Invite Dr. Carrie Graham as a Guest
OR Schedule a short 20-minute meeting to discuss speaking at your next event.
Just 2 educators chatting, I revealed that knowing how people learn is a business advantage.Just 2 educators chatting, I revealed that knowing how people learn is a business advantage.
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